Message to Our Community

While many may not know it, Newborn Care Solutions has always been a company that strives to support our students and their efforts, to take notice of disparities in the community, and to provide opportunities to members of the black community and other underserved populations.

Since our first live training in 2015, we have listened to our students to gain a better understanding of how we can best serve them and have been proud to watch so many black students elevate their careers to become teachers, mentors, and experts in their field. We have tried to amplify voices from the black community as lecturers and educators through our courses and social media. We have quietly provided behind-the-scenes support via scholarship funds to members of the black community, as well as other minority and underrepresented groups including members of the LGBTQIA+ community and single parents.

Prior to the murder of George Floyd and the peaceful protests and conversations that have begun to take place, we thought we were correct in silently helping members of the black community behind the scenes without trying to publicize our efforts, use their success stories for our own glory, take credit for their achievements, or single out recipients of our scholarships. However, the Black Lives Matter movement and listening to the stories that our black NCS and nanny students have generously shared really opened our eyes and calls for us to speak out. We understand now that our silent support is not enough. We want to be unequivocally clear that we unwaveringly stand behind the black community and will continue to support them in the fight for racial equality.

We will continue to offer scholarships to black students and work harder to amplify the voices of our black students. We will continue to donate and support organizations within our community that address the racial disparities in our country and lift up underserved communities.

Our goal has always been to change the lives of families and babies through empowerment and to see our students thrive. Although we are teachers, we are still learning and welcome your feedback on how we can be more inclusive and welcoming as we work together to end the unfair and unjust disparities the black community is faced with in the United States.

We love our students of every color and ethnicity and want to see them thrive. Right now, we know that the message that needs to be shared is that Black Lives Matter and as always, we are here to support you.

Photo Credit: Jenna Clarke

Tonya Sakowicz
Founder & CEO
Additional Articles by Tonya:

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