Managing Baby’s Safety and Your Budget

We all want our babies to be safe. And we want the best gear for our baby that our dollar can buy. Yet baby gear is expensive! So how do you manage your baby’s safety and your budget? As a proponent for sustainability, I am certainly in favor of donating and reusing products. But it is also important to take some precautions when considering using a second hand item. 

While the idea of discounted or free gear is certainly enticing, let’s talk about safety first. Should you acquire a secondhand item at a discount or for free (lucky you!), there are several safety precautions you can and should take. 

  1. Ask lots of questions of the seller/gifter. When was the product purchased? Was it new or used when they got it? How many times did they use it? What was their overall experience? Why are they getting rid of it? (just keep the conversation going since more questions are forthcoming…)
  2. Check by searching for both the product’s specific name as well as the product’s category. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) is a great resource, not only for getting information on recalls, but to also see user reviews, experiences, and complaints. 
  3. Try before you buy! Test the item out yourself, making sure that all safety mechanisms are fully functioning, that the item advertised is what you are currently looking at (no bait and switch), and that there are no recalls or reported safety concerns. If the product does not have the manufacturer’s instructions or user manual, be sure to get them from the manufacturer’s website. 

Important note: Don’t be fooled by survivor bias – when someone has used some type of product that is now deemed unsafe or has been recalled or banned but they continue to use it, recommend it, and/or resell or give it away because “their child was fine.” Unsafe gear is unsafe gear, no matter how many babies used them without issue, no matter if you are sitting right next to your baby while the product is being used nor if you have monitors set up to track the baby. One injured baby is too many. Stay away from banned and recalled products! 

And now, onto the good stuff: how to find discounted gear! Each of the following poses great opportunities for finding baby care items at affordable prices - if not for free. 

  1. Perhaps you have heard of the Buy Nothing Project on Facebook – a hyperlocal gifting platform whose goal is to spare as many items from landfills as they can while establishing a sense of community between neighbors. What a great idea, right? 
  2. There may be local parent groups on Facebook that are great for selling or trading, aka gifting, items and can be equally great at helping you find your local support community. 
  3. You may find used gear for discounted prices on websites (or apps) like Craigslist and Nextdoor
  4. Check if there are any local brick and mortar consignment stores specifically for children’s gear
  5. Search for parent fairs or events where multiple vendors sell their gently used items. Here in the Seattle region, there are sales events called “Just Between Friends” – a huge consignment event where you purchase an entry ticket (earlier slots cost more since you’ll have first access to all the stuff) then you get to peruse a huge selection of slightly used baby and kid items for huge discounts. Check their website to see if there’s an upcoming sale near you – they are nationwide! Note: Just Between Friends employs a safety and recall expert who checks the items being offered for sale, making sure that nothing that has been recalled is allowed at the sales!

Not sure how to make the decision on what products will work for your family? Ask your local Newborn Care Specialist for their expert and experience-based opinions. And stay safe families!



To learn more about baby safety, follow us on the blog!

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