Elite NCS™


What does that word convey to you? Someone who is great, someone who has exceptional skills, someone who has pushed to be the best of the best? All these things would be correct.

Webster’s defines Elite as “A select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of abilities or qualities” and we could not agree more.

At Newborn Care Solutions®, we have a one-year long Elite™ Coaching Program. We only allow a select number of students who meet very specific criteria into that group and we work with them for an entire year through monthly group training, individual personalized training, coaching, guiding and promoting as well as an annual 3-day retreat to really spend time on honing their skill set and focus. This program is neither easy nor inexpensive and it requires our students to be committed and dedicated. And what it does is help set these talented professionals apart as they truly become the best of the best.

You see, these committed individuals are not just amazing and dedicated caregivers, but they are those who continually strive to learn more and bring the best possible quality in terms of their education and experience to the clients they serve. They give up long hours to participate in multiple training programs, they spend countless “off” days from work dedicated to learning more about every aspect of their craft and they truly are dedicated to being the best of the best. In short, they never stop learning and never think they are so great that they can’t learn more. It takes a special kind of person and a special kind of dedication to make that kind of commitment to a career. It takes a special kind of person to be one of the Elite!

We at Newborn Care Solutions® are humbled and proud to be part of that process. We are proud of our Elite students and what they bring to their clients and their newborn babies. And we are proud of what they offer to the Newborn Care world in terms of drive and excellence.

Program Requirements: ALL first-time program participants will enter as Year 1 Elite.

Elite Year One

Must have completed our Foundational NCS Training Program – either in-person or online and have had at least one job working directly with a baby. 

REQUIRED: take our Advanced NCS Training Program online* or in-person before the Retreat. 

Elite Year Two

Complete all requirements of Elite Year one, plus have at least one-year newborn nanny or NCS work. 

Master NCS®

Must have successfully completed Elite Year 2 Program to apply. Elite™ levels require 85% participation to move onto the next level. Course materials are ONLY in your student portal during your enrollment year. Access to course material after your enrollment year will require payment of an administrative fee unless prior arrangements are made.

All participants will be required to sign a contract and a non-disclosure agreement related to program materials and content, as well as a photo / video release.

The Master NCS® program requires 100% participation in order to graduate.

*All programs must be applied for and require instructor approval to enroll.

Master NCS®

More than just training

More skills, More babies, more money.
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Newborn Care Solutions
Our company is dedicated to providing the very best quality products and service. Happy customers are our number one goal! We strive to be the best in the industry and innovate our products to meet the ever-changing industry needs.
© 2023 Newborn Care Solutions. All rights reserved | Photos from multiple sources, including Firefly Nights Photography 

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